唯一可惜的是 Jack Il Dark(Gene Simmons)戲份始終不多,沒法子,外國人嘛XD(說實在的,我倒是因為看了《飛黃騰達 名人版》才想看這片子),順帶一提,他的造型真的帥呆了。 看了電影後去了某樓上 Cafe,令人意外的是他們正在搞女僕祭,所以店中有一個女僕招呼大家。坦白說,食物倒是相當難吃(所以沒有提店子名)。
An Islamist rebel administration in Somalia has had a 13-year-old girl stoned to death for adultery after the child's father reported that she was raped by three men. 索馬里一伊斯蘭宗教法庭,在一名13歲女童被三個男人強暴、父親報警求助後,法庭以通姦罪為由,將女童判處死刑,把她用石頭打死。
Amnesty International said al-Shabab militia, which controls the southern city of Kismayo, arranged for 50 men to stone Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow in front of about 1,000 spectators. A lorry load of stones was brought to the stadium for the killing. 國際特赦組織指,控制Kismayo南部城市的「少年民兵」,安排了50人個男人,在一千名群眾面前用石頭砸死 Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow。他們運了一卡車用作處刑的石頭到運動場。
Amnesty said Duhulow struggled with her captors and had to be forcibly carried into the stadium. 國際特赦組織說,Duhulow一直掙扎並被強拉到運動場中。
"At one point during the stoning, Amnesty International has been told by numerous eyewitnesses that nurses were instructed to check whether Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was still alive when buried in the ground. They removed her from the ground, declared that she was, and she was replaced in the hole where she had been buried for the stoning to continue," the human rights group said. It continued: "Inside the stadium, militia members opened fire when some of the witnesses to the killing attempted to save her life, and shot dead a boy who was a bystander." 「不少目擊者向國際特赦組織指出,在處刑時有幾位護士負責檢查當她被埋入土中時是否仍然生存。然後他們將她提出來宣判,之後頸部以下再被埋到地下後以待用石頭砸。」一人權組織說。「在運動場中,民兵成員曾向企圖拯救她的目擊者開火,一個男孩旁觀者頭部被擊中。」
Amnesty said Duhulow was originally reported by witnesses as being 23 years old, based on her appearance, but established from her father that she was a child. He told Amnesty that when they tried to report her rape to the militia, the child was accused of adultery and detained. None of the men accused was arrested. 特赦組織指,Duhulow最初因其外表而被證人指是23歲,但他父親確認她還只是小童。他告訴民兵她被強姦後,女童即被控以通姦罪及被拘留。沒有任何一名被指控的疑犯被捕。
"This was not justice, nor was it an execution," said Amnesty's Somalia campaigner, David Copeman. "This killing is yet another human rights abuse committed by the combatants to the conflict in Somalia, and again demonstrates the importance of international action to investigate and document such abuses, through an international commission of inquiry." 「這不是公義、也非處決。」國際特赦組織索馬里方面的David Copeman說:「這種殺戮只是另一起索馬里衝突中戰鬥人員濫用人權事件,這反映了國際通過調查委員會,調查及紀錄有關濫權的行動是何等重要。」
■假薩爾科齊 □佩林 [電話響起] Palin staff member: This is Lexi.
Avenger: Hello Bexi
Palin staff member: Hi
Avenger: Hi, this is I'm with uh Nicolas Sarkozy on the line for Governor Palin.
Palin staff member: Yes, one second please, can you hold on for one second please?
Avenger: Yeah, no problem.
Palin staff member: Alright thanks.
[background noise]
Palin staff member: Hi, I'm gonna hand the phone over to her.
Avenger: Ok, thank you very much, I'm gonna put the president on the line.
In the background: [ok, he's coming to the line]
Palin: This is Sarah.
Avenger: Uh, yeah, uh, Governor Palin
Palin: Hello
Avenger: Just hold on for Sarkozy, one moment.
In the background, Palin: [Oh, it's not him yet [unintelligible] I always do that]
Avenger: Yes, yes, hello, governor
In the background, Palin: [I'll just have people hand it to me right when it's]
Avenger: Yes, hello, Miss governor?
Palin: Hello, this is Sarah, how are you?
Avenger: Fine and you, this is Nicolas speaking, how are you?
Palin: Oh, so good, it's so good to hear you [giggle] thank you for calling us.
Avenger: Oh, it's a pleasure
Palin: Thank you sir. We have such great respect for you, John McCain and I. We love you, and thank you taking a few minutes to talk to me.
Avenger: I follow your campaigns closely with my special campaign adviser [not sure what name he says here] you know.
Palin: Yes, good.
Avenger: Excellent, uh, are you confident?
Palin: Very confident, and we're thankful that polls are showing that the race is tightening, and...
Avenger: Well, I know very well that the campaign can be exhausting, how do you feel right now my dear?
Palin: I feel so good. I feel like we're in a marathon, and at the very end of a marathon, you get your second wind, and you plow through the finish...
Avenger: You see, I got where I am in France because I'm real, and you seem to be someone who's real as well.
Palin: Yes. [giggle] Yeah. [giggle] uh, heh, Nicholos, we so appreciate this opportunity...
Avenger: You know, I see you as a president one day, you too
[giggle] Maybe in 8 years
Avenger: Well, uh, I ... for you. You know, we have a lot in common because personally one of my favorite activities is to hunt too.
Palin: Oh, very good, we should go hunting together.
Avenger: Exactly, we should go try hunting by helicopter like you did, I never did that. Like we say in France [something in French]
Palin: I think we'd have a lot of fun together, as we're getting work done -- We can kill two birds with one stone that way
Avenger: I just love killing those animals, mm mm, take away life that is so fun.
Avenger: I'd really love to go as long as we don't bring your Vice President Cheney [laugh]
Palin: No, I'll be a careful shot
Avenger: Yes, see, you know we have a lot in common also because except from my ass I can see Belgium, that's kind of ...
Palin: Well see, we're all next door to countries that we need to be working with, yes.
Avenger: Some people said in the last days that you weren't unexperienced enough in foreign relations, and you know, that's completely false. That's the thing I said to the prime minister of Canada Stef Carse...
Palin: Well, he's doing fine too, and Yeah, when you come into a position underestimated, it gives you an opportunity to prove the pundits and the critics wrong, you work that much harder...
Avenger: I was wondering because you are so next to him, one of my good friends also the prime minister of Quebec Mister [Franc Ouvrier?] has met him recently did he come to one of your rallies
Palin: I haven't seen him at one of the rallies, but it's been great working with the Canadian officials in my role as governor. We have a great cooperative effort there as we work on all of our resource development projects. You know, I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally and your beautiful wife, oh my goodness, you added a lot of energy to your country with uhm with that beautiful family of yours.
Avenger: Thank you very much. You know my wife Cécilia would love to meet you, uh, you know, even thought she was a bit jealous today that I was supposed to speak to you today.
Palin: Well, give her a big hug from me.
Avenger: You know my wife is a popular singer and a former top model, and she is so hot in bed, she even wrote a song for you.
Palin: Oh my goodness, I didn't know that.
Avenger: Yes, in French it's called [says something in French] or if you prefer in English, Joe the plumber, [singing] it's his life, Joe the plumber
Palin: Maybe she understands some of that unfair criticism, but I bet she is such a hard worker too, and she realizes you just plow through that criticism, and ...
Avenger: To be sure, I don't quite understand the phenomenon Joe the plumber, that's not your husband?
Palin: That's not my husband, but he's a normal American who just works hard and does not want government to take his money
Avenger: Yes, yes, I understand, we have the equivalent of Joe the plumber in France, it's called [says something in French]
Palin: Right, that's what it's all about, is the middle class, and government needing to work for them, you're a very good example for us here.
Avenger: Uh, I see a bit about NBC even Fox News was not an ally sorry about as much as usual.
Palin: Yeah, that's what we're up against.
Avenger: I must say Governor Palin, I love the documentary they made on your life, you know uh, Nailin' Palin
Palin: Oh good. Thank you. Yes.
Avenger: That was really edgy.
Palin: Uh, well good. [giggle]
Avenger: I really loved you, and I must say something also governor. You've been pranked. By the Masked Avengers, we are two comedians from Montreal.
Palin: Ohhhh, have we been pranked? And what radio station is this?
Avenger: This is for CKOI in Montreal.
Palin: In Montreal? Tell me the radio station call letters.
Avenger: C-K - hello?
[unintelligible talking in the background]
Avenger: If one voice can change the world for Obama, one [unintelligible] can change the world for McCain.
[unintelligible talking in the background]
Palin's staff member: I'm sorry, I have to let you go, thank you.